services |
services |
Anglicare Central Queensland
T: 1300 769 814 A: 79 Kariboe St, Biloela QLD W: Banana Shire Support Centre T: (07) 4992 3322 A: 1a/58 Kariboe St, Biloela QLD Banana Mental Health Service T: (07) 4992 7045 A: Biloela Hospital, 2 Hospital Rd, Biloela QLD 4715 Centacare T: 1300 523 985 CQ Rural Health T: (07) 4992 1040 A: 66 Callide St, Biloela QLD 4715 W: Drug Arm T: 1300 656 800 Live Better Biloela T: (07) 4992 3407 Nhulundu Family Wellbeing Service T: (07) 4979 0992 A: 64 Callide Street, Biloela QLD Ozcare T: 0439 085 214 St Vincent De Paul T: (07) 4992 2909 |
1300 MH CALL
T: 1300 64 2255 Lifeline T: 131 114 TXT: 0477 131 114 Beyond Blue T: 1300 224 636 Alcohol & Drug Services T: 1800 117 833 Domestic Violence Connect for Women T: 1800 811 811 Domestic Violence Connect for Men T: 1800 600 636 Elder Abuse Helpline T: 1300 651 192 Kids Helpline (5-25yrs) T: 1800 551 800 Men's Line QLD T: 1300 789 978 Griefline T: 1300 845 745 Pregnancy Counselling Link T: 1800 777 690 QLD Health Phone Line T: 13 432 584 Salvo Care Line T: 13 72 58 Family Drug Support T: 1300 368 186 National Indigenous Critical Response Service (NICRS) T: 1800 805 801 Suicide Call Back Service T: 1300 659 467 StandBy Support after Suicide T: 0418 656 764 Bereaved by Suicide T: 1300 467 354 1800RESPECT Sexual Assault T: 1800 737 732 Red Nose Grief and Loss T: 1300 308 307 Relationships Australia T: 1300 364 277 SANDS-miscarriages, stillbirth & infant loss T: 1300 072 637 Sexual Assault T: 1800 0101 120 |
Ace Medical Centre
T: (07) 4992 24848 A: 48 Grevillea St, Bileola QLD Biloela Medical Centre T: (07) 4995 6200 A: Unit 5/38 Dawson Hwy, Biloela QLD Griffith Oxley Clinic T: (07) 4992 2166 A: 45 Grevillea St, Biloela QLD Hospital Services
Biloela: (07) 4992 7000 Baralaba: (07) 4998 2800 Moura: (07) 4997 2900 Taroom: (07) 4927 3177 Theodore: (07) 4900 3000 Headspace T: (07) 4994 2512 Headspace-Gladstone T: (07) 4921 9800 Headspace-Rockhampton T: (07) 4921 9800 Dads in Distress (Mon-Sat: 8:30am-5pm) T: 1300 853 437 W: Elder Abuse Helpline (Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm) T: 1300 651 192 Parent Line (Daily: 8am-10pm QLD & NT) T: 1300 30 1300 W: Relationships Australia T: 1300 364 277 Salvation Army Information Line T: 13 72 58 (13 SALVOS) SANE Australia T: 1800 187 263 QLife LBTIQ peer support (Daily:3pm-Midnight) T: 1800 184 527 W: |
services in biloela |
This service is for adults who are experiencing financial issues including those resulting from a natural disaster. It supports and assists adults to take control of their finances and improve their health and wellbeing. Contact & Enquiries: 07 4970 6119 |
How to access service:
Anyone can make a referral including the person themselves.
A free and confidential program for people aged 18 and over who experience severe persistent and or episodic mental illness. This program provides one on one services, peer support, and access to groups to encourage participants to develop life skills and connect socially. Contact & Enquiries: 07 4995 4402 |
How to access service:
Referrals are made by Central Queensland Mental Health (Biloela Hospital).
A community-based mental health support program for people aged 18 and over. Providing one-on-one and group support teaching strategies and skills to improve mental health and wellbeing as well as connecting with other services in Biloela. Contact & Enquiries: 07 4995 4402 |
How to access service:
Anyone can make a referral including the person themselves.
A phone service for people who are at risk or have recently attempted suicide in Central Highlands area. This service provides regular phone contact and support with qualified mental health facilitators. Contact & Enquiries: 1300 769 814 |
How to access service:
Anyone can make a referral including the person themselves.
A free confidential service to young people aged 10-21 years. The Youth Support program aims to assist young people to improve their capacity to develop independent living skills as well as improving their overall health and wellbeing. They also provide early intervention for young people at risk through access and support services. Contact & Enquiries: 07 4995 4404 |
How to access service:
Anyone can make a referral for a young person including the young person themselves.
This is a free and confidential service which is tailored to meet the individual’s needs. The program is designed to ensure that people can access the most appropriate services – including the ability to step up and down to different levels of care as their needs vary. Services are available for anyone with life stress or a need for low intensity services, to those with severe and persistent mental illness. Contact & Enquiries: 07 4992 1040 |
How to access service:
Referrals can be made by GPs and Support Organisations